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Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm baaaaack

I've been away from the blog for a while, focusing on the new job which has put me on the road some. It has also changed my focus, diverting the mania I'd had for exercise and diet into the job. And since the remaining free time was spent with the family, I didn't have time for the blog.

In reality, not much interesting has been happening regarding the diet and fitness regiment. I'm maintaining at 213-215, been there for a couple of weeks, but my exercise routines have been more limited. Gone are the days of hours at the gym, now I'm lucky to get half an hour of tabada in.

Don't get me wrong - I still make the effort to exercise, and I've really only missed a few days since I last blogged. I got a nasty cold that laid me up for a while, but other than that I've been able to get some sort of exercise in, even when traveling. I've been pleased with some of the results too - I ran my 5 mile course at an 8:45 pace once, and I swam a mile in 34 minutes the other day. I can definitely feel my overall fitness level is finally where I consider it to be "good", and begin at my goal weight and proving I can maintain it is a huge plus for me.

With that, I'm likely going to change the format of the blog. I'll focus on cooking, posting interesting recipes that I create, with the occasional anecdote about some sort of fitness thing if it is interesting or amusing. I think the other format of detailing my life was getting stale, and not needing to hold myself accountable anymore, past its useful time.

So hopefully you'll like the new format, and find some tidbts that are useful in it. My focus will still be on healthy meals, by the way, and even though I won't be posting caloric information, I feel confident that most of the recipes will be in the 600-700 calorie target range, and balance proteins, fats, and carbs.

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