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Monday, April 12, 2010

On the road

I've been away from the blog for a while with travels and a generally crazy existence. I've also been off the diet wagon during that time, well, as off the wagon as I'll let myself be.

Early morning flights on Thursday, 6 AM to midnight meetings Friday, up at 3:30 AM for a plane Saturday, then a day chasing kids around, and then another similar day Sunday, and it is four straight days without exercise. I did sneak in a little exercise when I could, like running up stairs, running to the car instead of taking the bus, bjorning the baby while watching soccer, and a little Tabada even. Oh, and I can't discount a couple of hours making a complete fool of myself in a bouncy house for a kids' birthday party. But no serious workouts to be sure.

This has been killing me because the day before my trip I got a new pair of running shoes. I finally decided to throw out the old ones, mainly because they felt line I was wearing Earth Shoes while running. Straight to the trash after the run, where they should have been 9 years ago. Apparently you're only supposed to run 300 miles or 6 months in a pair of shoes. Not sure the math is correct there, but I am quite sure the abuse I put on my shoes far exceed the correct number. But alas I have yet to run in them, save the jaunt from the terminal to my car in Austin just because I was going crazy from hours on a plane.

Today I snuck in a round of golf for my exercise, which was awesome. Hadn't played in months, and I was hitting the ball far, if not accurately. Great to be in the sun for that amount of time in a perfect day.

As for food, I think I held up well to the perils and temptations of travel. I kept my intake reasonable in the face of pressure to do otherwise. Went to Benihana one night, which is delicious and fun, but seeing them cook your food is really eye-opening if you watch carefully. Every dish had a giant glob of butter tossed into it at the end, which is completely unnecessary, and the rice portions were gigantic. Definitely a chore to keep everything in check.

Hopefully things will get back to normal here. I should be back in the gym tomorrow for an abusive workout. I look forward to it.

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