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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Scallops with Cannelini Puree

Today was pretty insane end to end. My boys went with me to Home Depot to get some plants for the garden, and then to the grocery to get overdue provisions for the home. I then got home in time to say goodbye to my wife, who left for her sister's baby shower, and left her niece here with the boys and the baby. So my dad (who isn't exactly Mr. Mom) an I were alone with 4 kids 5 and under. Much running around and chasing, and in the meantime I decided to plant the garden, and I am pretty whipped right now. Workout? Please. It was supposed to be my day off, but I probably burned 1000 calories running around today.

Dinner tonight was seared scallops over a cannelini puree with a side of broccolini pasta. Recipe:

1 lb scallops (400 calories)
1 can cannelini beans (440 calories)
1 stalk broccolini, cut into large pieces (40 calories)
2 servings pasta (400 calories)
1 orange pepper, roasted and julienned (25 calories)
1/2 head roasted garlic
9 kalamata olives (75 calories)
1 tsp olive oil (40 calories)
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1 tsp marjoram, minced
1 tsp lemon thyme, minced
touch truffle oil
few drops aged Balsamic vinegar
grating fresh Parmesan cheese
pinch fennel pollen

Sear the scallops in a pan in the olive oil, and then remove them to rest. In the same pan, deglaze with stock, and add broccolini and 1/2 of the roasted garlic, mashed into a paste, and cook on high. Start cooking the pasta at this point. Cook broccolini for 5 minutes and then add 3/4 of the peppers and olives and all the herbs. When pasta is done, add to the pan and toss to coat, seasoning with salt and pepper. Finish with a splash of truffle oil.

Meanwhile, add the beans to a small pot, and add the rest of the garlic, olives, and peppers, and heat. Add a touch of stock to liquefy, and puree with a hand blender. Add the juice from the scallops to the puree after the scallops have rested.

Plate the pasta, and then on the side place the puree on the dish, and scallops on top of it. Finish with a light dusting of fennel pollen and a dot of aged balsamic, and then coat everything with cheese. About 700 calories.

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