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Monday, March 1, 2010

Victory at Sea

Not so long ago just after I first started this program, a friend wagered that I would not be able to lose 15 pounds faster than him. He had every right to make this bet, as my history of being unable to stick to a diet and exercise regiment, along with my gluttony, was well documented. He figured at best he wouldn't lose, and could only win, save me accidentally losing a limb or something.

Little did he know I was already inspired. As I mentioned in my first post, my earlier problems were I relied less on math and more on something akin to voodoo to lose weight. Shockingly, that wasn't effective. Once I figured out mathematically what was wrong, it was over before it started.

I took his bet and then offered it to another friend locally, who also banked on my failure and took the bet. Both bets were made when I was 240 pounds, and with my program I figured I'd lose a pound every 3 days and be done in 45 days.

33 days later, which was today, I had dropped the 15 pounds. Somehow I was able to burn 50% more calories per day than the 1,200 deficit I had planned. Still not sure if I was eating less or getting more exercise than planned, but who cares, it all worked.

Before I started the program I was 26% body fat at 242.4 pounds. Today at 224.0 pounds I'm 21% body fat and I've lost 6 inches off my gut. All in about 40 days so far. My goal weight is 215-220, and then I'm going to up the calories and keep up the exercise to turn the fat into muscle. Visible results will be slower then, but I'll be healthier and build strength and stamina better as I'll have good fuel in me, which will be good.

So how did it happen today? I was going to run but it was raining, so I decided to go to the gym and swim. After my off day, I always weigh in good, and today was no exception - I got on the scale and saw 225.4, which was lower than I expected. I knew then I wasn't going to leave there until I was under 225.

Off to the pool and I noticed a guy that I call "the Terminator" was in the lane next to me. Different from Speedo Guy, the Terminator doesn't appear to be in great shape, but he crushes laps at an incredible pace and never takes a break. He just keeps going and going, and it is pretty humbling to swim next to the guy. So he's there and he's crushing me, when one of the lifeguards comes over to me and offers me advice on my stroke. Sure enough as I had thought earlier, there was something wrong with my stroke, and in about a minute he showed me what it was and I was back in action. My brother-in-law tried to correct this earlier in the summer, but I never figured out what he was trying to tell me until today (I need to be a better listener - no smart alecky comments appreciated on this point please). With my new stroke, I was more effective and a faster swimmer, if occasionally struggling with the whole "not drowning" thing. I was actually able to keep pace with the Terminator, which was a good feeling (I have better turns than him, he was better on the straightaways).

I did my usual 2x3x10 workout of free and breaststroke, and my new stroke made me work a little harder so I got a better workout. When I got out I wondered if I had done enough to burn the .4 pounds, and saw that I burned 1.4 pounds. Awesome. Yeah, I know I'm not *really* 224 pounds because I was down water weight after the workout, but I hit it on the scale and dang it that's good enough for me.

Dinner tonight was Thai flavored stir fry. I found some jarred kaffir lime leaves and Thai basil which I've been itching to try. Recipe as follows:

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (440 calories)
1 tbsp sesame oil (120 calories)
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 green onions, sliced thin on a bias
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 small stalk lemongrass, minced fine
2 plantains, cut into thin chips on a bias (440 calories)
2 large carrots, peeled and sliced on bias (60 calories)
2 cups snow peas (80 calories)
1/4 cup stock
1/4 cup light coconut milk (35 calories)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp kaffir lime leaves
1 tbsp minced Thai basil
juice of 1 lime
1-whatever you dare tbsp Schriacha

Brown chicken in oil. Once fully cooked on outside, add lemongrass, garlic, carrots, and ginger, and cook until garlic starts to brown slightly. Add plantains and toss, and then add all the other ingredients, save the snow peas. Cook until plantains are almost soft (taste test) and tender, and add snow peas. Cook for an additional 5, adding more liquid if needed. 550 calories per serving.

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