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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Special

As I took yesterday off, today was a mandatory gym day. I had less time than my normal Saturday morning when I went this afternoon, so I had to push myself extra hard.

I can really feel my strength going up. My usual workout is becoming easier to do the full 12 reps per cycle of everything I do, despite the fact I'm increasing my weights. I did the usual Saturday chest, back, shoulder, and bicep routine, and then mixed a little Tabada in the end, doing one set on the seated row machine (that was brutal), one set of bicycle crunches (that was worse), and one set of sprints at 9.5-9.7 mph (that nearly killed me). I entered the gym today feeling fresh and with a lot of energy, and now I'm thoroughly beat down again, so it was a good day.

My weight loss has slowed to be sure - I've been the same weight for a week now, which isn't a bad thing. Consider I had the mexican buffet at the rodeo and pizza and beer on poker night, I'm pretty happy to be breaking even (even with the less than optimal meals I was making sure to watch my caloric intake). I'd still like to drop 2-7 pounds, and then turn fat to muscle more slowly. I feel the Tabada routine is working my muscles harder but burning less calories, which is definitely okay in the long run.

Dinner tonight was simple. Italian herb and garlic rubbed whole chicken on the rotisserie, with a sie salad and an ear of corn. The chicken meat was about 300 calories, the corn 120, and the dressed salad about 100. Add 60 calories for the olive oil (and non-caloric Frank's Red Hot) on the corn, and maybe another 50 calories for the small amounts of tasty crispy chicken skin I ate, and it was a good balanced meal.

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