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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Balsamic Portabella Chicken with Roasted Garlic Quinoa

Before I get to dinner, I'll discuss the workout from today. Well, workoutS, plural. I went to the gym during lunch to do weights, but had to work and couldn't do a respectable cardio set, so I tabled that for a run later in the day.

At the gym I did my usual Wednesday workout with some minor variations. One was due to the fact that a very strong and healthy woman picked up the exact weights I was using for one of my exercises and started doing the exact same exercise I was doing with them (overhead shoulder press). I was too embarassed to wait for them and pick them up and do the same thing, so I changed the routine up a little. Yeah, I know, I preached earlier about getting over that, but I'm sure you will understand me here.

In my defense I busted up my right shoulder pretty good about 15 years ago playing softball. I've also actually broken my elbow playing softball (running the bases no less), both facts pointing to nothing less than me being an idiot. The shoulder injury still bothers me when I use it too much, and shockingly it has only been a minor nuisance in my current program. It did throb a little on my run later though, so I'll have to watch it and take care of it. And yes, I tried to see a doctor about it once, but the doctor focused more on my foot that I thought was broken from jumping up and down in one of those inflatable bouncy things kids play in. I already told you I'm an idiot.

I did decide to work a little on the rowing machine at the end of my weights and abs program, which toasted my legs a bit. This was probably why my legs were bitching so much when I ran five hours later, after giving them just enough time to start to tighten up. Maybe not such a good idea, especially since I was going "fast" on a short run.

Anyway, tonight's dinner - portion as usual is for two

2 Boneless skinless chicken breasts, about 100 calories each

Pan sear in non-stick pan and a touch of olive oil until cooked through. Put aside to rest

1/8 red onion
6 small portabello mushrooms, sliced (about 40 calories total)
2 tbsp olive oil (240 calories)
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (30 calories)
3-8 cloves roasted garlic
pinch crushed red pepper
2 tbsp stock
drop agave nectar

sautee onions inoil until translucent and add mushrooms to hot pan (use the same pan you just cooked the chicken breast in to maximize the flavor). Add everything else and cook until mushrooms are done and most of the liquid is evaporated. Pour on top of chicken, adds about 200 calories, less if you cut back the oil.

Roasted Garlic Quinoa:
1/2 cup quinoa (315 calories)
1/2 cup stock
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp olive oil (120 calories)
3-8 coves roasted garlic

Toast quinoa in oil and then add stock and water. Mash the heck out of the garlic and add paste to pot. cover until cooked. About 220 calories per serving, less if you omit the oil.

Add a steamed medium stalk of broccoli at 65 calories and you have a dinner of about 600 calories.

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