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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wow... this crazy thing is working

I went to the gym today for a swim during lunch. After the Super Bowl and a nice steak dinner with wine with my wife last night, I was hoping for maybe a one pound loss from last week, and thinking I'd be lucky to be even. So imagine my surprise when I step on the scale and see 230.8 (I even stepped on and off a number of times to check if it was working properly). That's nearly 6 pounds in a week. This is almost 12 pounds down this year, in about 6 weeks.

Clearly this is a sign I am boosting my overall metabolism. I feel more energetic throughout the day, and my mental state is vastly improved, but I had no idea my body had snapped into gear the way it has. It really is amazing that this is working.

My diet seems to be working well for me too, both nutritionally and taste wize. A "bad" day for me is still probably 1200-1500 calories less than a "good" day before I was being careful with my intake. I'm also eating pretty good food - yesterday for dinner I had a steak (filet), braised radicchio, and roasted butternut squash, with a delicious cab. I'm also starting to settle into better breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.

Initially, I started this blog to bitch about all the food I miss. Pie, doughnuts, cake, etc. What I've discovered is that I can be happy without these foods, and I can partake in them every once in a while without much harm.

It has been an interesting process, and the discipline required isn't that much. Do a little math before you eat (along with a little googling to find out the nutrition information on food), and make sure you reserve an hour a day to get some exercise. It is almost fun. Almost - we're not going to go that far.

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