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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Steelhead Trout and Zucchini Pasta

Tonight's dinner was Steelhead trout crusted with pistachios, capers, and kalamata olives with a side of zucchini and pasta.

Trout - 120 calories for 6 ounces or 140 calories for 8 ounces
Pistachio crust - 85 calories for 1/8 cup of crushed pistachios
Kalamata olives - 4 olives makes 34 calories
Capers - about 4 calories
Total for dish: 263 calories

Finely chop pistachios, olives, and capers, and mix together. Coat trout with a light rub of mustard and then press crust onto filet. Roast in oven at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Pasta - 210 calories for 1/8 of a box
1 1/2 small zucchini - 50 calories
3 green olives - 25 calories
1/8 cup sun dried tomatoes in oil - 30 calories
1/8 cup red onion - 8 calories
2 artichoke hearts - 16 calories
1/2 tbsp olive oil - 60 calories
1 tbsp italian parsley
1 tbsp minced garlic
Total calories for side dish: 400

Boil pasta, and chop everything into coarse chunks. Sautee onions until translucent, and then add garlic, olives, and sundried tomatoes for a minute or two. Add zucchini, sautee until tender and then add chopped artichoke hearts and parsley. Add pasta to pan and let it absorb flavors for a minute or two before serving.

Total calories for dinner: 663

It is possible to eat well and diet.

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader, first-time commentor.

    Glad to see you are not only sticking with it, but actually getting into it. Once you see that a healthy lifestyle is not only possible, but can be more enjoyable than a sedentary one, you are in a great spot. Your last sentence says it all - it is possible to eat well and diet.
